Why Choose Tesota Paralegal
At Tesota Paralegal, we strive to give you quick and affordable service, to save you precious time and money. Rest assured that our dedication to the service will allow us to meet your expectations every time.
When you need help, we are here to guide you every step of the way. We understand that legal issues can be confusing, frustrating and time consuming. This is why it’s always better to have the law on your side.
For example, we believe that all driving charges should be defended. Points accumulation has a lasting negative effect on your driving record.
Most importantly, accumulation of Demerit Points adds huge increases to your insurance premiums.
Let us help with your legal matters.

Areas of Service:
Commissioner of Oath and Notary Public:
We can swear affidavits and administer other legal oaths, affirmations, or declarations.
We can notarize your signature on your original document, or certify your document is the original and can make a notarize true copy of the original document. A Notary cannot give you legal advise. Notary fees are charged per Notary signature/seal, not per document.

Examples of Document:
Consent to Travel Documents – when a child is traveling without one or both parents.
Invitation Letters – in support of a visitor’s visa to Canada.
Property Documents – explanation of the documents will have to be from a Property Lawyer.
Power of Attorney – we don’t draft Special Power of Attorney documents, we only notarize them.
Notarizing a Will – witness the signing of a Will, but a Will requires two witnesses, so you must bring another witness with you. (The second witness should not be the Executor or a beneficiary, or spouse of a beneficiary). You must also bring the Witness’s Affidavit of Execution.
Affidavit of Execution – where a witness swears they were present and saw another person sign a document.
Passports – In Lieu of Guarantor Form
Small Claims Court:
We can represent you in your Small Claims Court if you wish to sue for money or return of personal property valued at $35,000 or less, not including interest and costs.
We listen to your situation, assess your situation and offer options moving forward and help you understand the dynamics of the process. Not all matters are worthy of entering the Small Claims process for many reasons. We explain the positive and negative aspects of pursuing a claim but can not guarantee the final outcome.

Landlord and Tenant Board:
We can represent you at the Landlord & Tenant Board in regard to your tenancy matters.
We assess your situation with your Tenant. We prepare and serve Notices and file Applications with the Board.
We can represent non-profit and co-operative housing (co-op). We prepare Notices and file Applications with the Board for orders to end a Co-op Member’s occupancy and evict them, after the Co-op has terminated the Member’s occupancy rights and given notice to end their occupancy.

Mediation and Workplace Investigation:
We can provide unbiased mediation support to assist you in the process of negotiation in a relationship to resolve differences. We use a structured process in assisting parties to resolve conflict and encourage parties to actively participate in the process.
We conduct independent investigations into allegations of workplace misconduct, such as discrimination, harassment, bullying or abuse. We make a determination of the events based on the evidence you have and the credibility of the parties.